Santa Ana Couch
Santa Ana Couch is a fine leafed, dense couch grass that thrives in warm seasons.
It is drought tolerant & quite wear tolerant when grown in full sun and will tolerate slightly shaded areas.
It has a medium growth rate and does go dormant during winter months but greens quickly in early spring.
It’s brighter green colour and soft leafy texture provides a manicured appearance & will transform any space.
Santa Ana Couch is Suitable for;
- Residential homes
- Sports Fields
- Golf Courses
- Bowling Greens
- Erosion Control
- Parks

Kikuyu is one of the most economical lawns available in today’s market.
WinterGreen Couch
Wintergreen Couch is a soft, fine leafed lush lawn with a manicured appearance.
Shademaster Soft Leaf Buffalo
Shademaster is the first Australian Soft Leaf Buffalo & is extremely hardy, drought tolerant.
Santa Ana Couch
It’s brighter green colour and soft leafy texture provides a manicured appearance.